Hello, welcome to the School Help Advice Reporting Page System.
We all work together at Broadway Academy to help with any problems you may have in or out of school.
Please click the buttons above to make a report. When doing so you don't have to leave your details if you don't want to.
If you would rather contact us through a school safeguarding staff member, please talk to any member from the list below.
- Mr Taylor
- Miss Bailey - Nicholls
- Mr Stewart
- Miss Hesson
- Miss Cordon
- Miss Godsil
Using the menu button above, please take the time to look through the pages and if you feel that you can help to keep our school a safe, friendly and fun place to be you can get in touch using the link.
This is a CONFIDENTIAL way to stop YOU or a FRIEND or SOMEONE you have seen SUFFERING..
Calling all Year 11s, 12s & 13s…
Over the Easter break you will be working very hard revising for the exams – or you should be! So please remember:
Plan a structured timetable for your revision – not too little and not too much.
Look after yourself – get plenty of sleep, exercise and recreation; don’t forget to eat properly.
Don’t become isolated – join up with friends to study and talk over problems.
If it all becomes too much – staff will be at Broadway through the holiday to help in real emergencies.